Recipes, brewing beer from scratch, brewery visits and more

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Recipes, brewing beer from scratch, brewery visits and more

Inläggav wilbert » torsdag 2023-04-27 12:47

After I closed my brewery, I decided to give away all my recipes and to brew a beer from scratch, which means; growing barley, making malt, growing hops, harvesting and propagating yeast.
And I will visit small breweries and a malthouse here in Sweden and I will build an outside brewhouse and tikibar.

Sweden has created a wonderful craftbeer community, but it is not easy for small breweries to exist, so I will probably give my opinion as well about how I think the government is making it unnecessary hard for those breweries.
Because having all those small breweries is something to cherish.

Inlägg: 3
Blev medlem: torsdag 2023-04-27 11:13

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